All staff is trained in First Aid/CPR and to recognize the signs of communicable disease and other illness. Each child shall be observed daily.
Signs of illness include the following:
Temperature of 100 degrees or more by axillary method
Skin rash
Diarrhea and /or vomiting three times or more
Evidence of lice infestation, nits, scabies or other parasitic infestation
Severe coughing
Difficult or rapid breathing
Yellowish skin or eyes
Evidence of conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Stiff neck
Untreated infected skin patches
Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing
Complaints by child, fussiness
"Listless" behavior
Symptoms of a cold
Decreased appetite
When a child exhibits one or more of behaviors 1- 12, a determination will be made by the director regarding the discharge of the child to a parent. If the child is to be dismissed, the parent will be notified and the child must be picked up within the hour.
If the above listed behaviors 13- 16 are noted, but none of the first twelve signs are observed, the parent will be informed and it will be their decision whether the child will remain in the care of the center or be picked up. If the child remains at the center but their condition worsens or they cannot participate in any activity, the parents will be call and asked to pick the child up.
In cases in which the parents cannot be reached, the emergency number listed by the parents will be called. The child will be released to that person.
Children can be readmitted once they have been symptom free for 24 hours or with a note from doctor indicating they are not contagious.
Antibacterial soaps are available at all hand washing facilities for staff as well as children. Paper towels are available for drying hands. Mats, tables, toys, etc... are disinfected regularly. Good nutrition and appropriate health habits are encouraged by the staff.
Non-prescription medication can be given, such as: tylenol, cough medicine, nose drops, etc., with a signed, dated and written authorization from the child's parent. This authorization shall include the name of medication, dosage, and instructions for administration.
Any over the counter medications that read "contact physician" for dosage will not be administered without written instructions from the physician.
Prescription medication will only be administered by us with a signed "medication card." Prescription medication must be administered from the container provided by your pharmacy with child's name and dosage clearly printed.